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Plugin ID: 2898
(34) votes 

Extractor allows for the extraction of data from raster images based on point, line, and polygon vectors and the application of zonal statistics. Its usefulness lies in its ability to work with a range of raster sources, making it ideal for time series analysis and landscape studies.

The Extractor QGIS plugin is a tool for extracting data from raster layers using vector features like points, lines, and polygons. It's invaluable for complex spatial analyses, especially in time series studies, allowing extraction from multiple layers to track changes over time. It can be used to analyze land use shifts by extracting vegetation cover, urbanization, etc., across different time points. It's also vital in landscape studies, extracting environmental variables (elevation, slope, etc.) to understand biodiversity patterns and ecosystem functions.

Stanislas Mahussi GANDAHO
vectorecologyshapefilepointanalysispolygonlinestatisticstabletime seriescsvlayers
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Plugin ID
Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
1.2 no 3.14.0 3.99.0 4995 stangandaho 2023-11-17T08:23:37.710905+00:00
1.1 no 3.14.0 3.99.0 3889 stangandaho 2023-07-18T11:05:06.466209+00:00
1.0 no 3.14.0 3.99.0 2376 stangandaho 2023-04-30T00:18:08.668986+00:00
0.22 no 3.14.0 3.99.0 1247 stangandaho 2023-03-26T19:15:43.839222+00:00
0.21.1 no 3.14.0 3.99.0 846 stangandaho 2023-03-14T00:16:54.594132+00:00
0.21 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 877 stangandaho 2023-03-13T14:46:24.459451+00:00
0.2 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 63 stangandaho 2023-03-11T21:41:48.046781+00:00

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