<p> <p>1.0.0 release version <p>0.13.5 Minor redesign of line selection tools, line selection only exports dimensions supported by the collection, spatial extent of query is retained on collection change (if the attributes are the same) <p>0.13.3 More updates to line selection tool, GUI text updates, minor fixes <p>0.13.2 Fix line selection tool and corridor and trajectory windows <p>0.13.0 Allow drag and drop load of CoverageJSON files, also allow loading them from Browser <p>0.12.2 Fix trajectory and corridor queries QGIS versions older then 3.30 <p>0.12.1 Fix line selection issues <p>0.12.0 Fix installation issues <p>0.11.0 Add Corridor and Trajectory query <p>0.10.1 Handle legacy instances definition <p>0.10.0 Added Cube query <p>0.9.0 Bugfixes/enhancements: #45, #46, #47 <p>0.8.1 Removed unused code <p>0.8.0 Bugfixes/enhancements: #29, #30, #37 <p>0.7.0 Added support for the post queries + saved queries handling enhancements <p>0.6.0 Added handling of the saved queries via browser panel and managing server URLs <p>0.5.1 Improved handling of the CoverageJSON point datasets + minor bugfixes <p>0.5.0 Added support of the authentication and extra data queries (position, radius, items and locations) <p>0.4.0 Added handling of the CoverageJSON vector datasets + bugfixes <p>0.3.0 Added custom dimensions, improved handling of the CoverageJSON format <p>0.2.2 Added ignoring of the content UTF-8 decode errors <p>0.2.1 Changed way of defining area query spatial extent <p>0.2.0 Added initial handling of the CoverageJSON format + bugfixes <p>0.1.1 Added missing UI file <p>0.1.0 Initial release
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