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Earth, Sun, Moon, and Planets Plugin icon

Plugin ID: 2944
(7) votes 

Tools to calculate the positions of the sun, moon, and planets when viewed directly overhead for a particular date and time. Create day/night terminator vector layers. Display solar and lunar information for a coordinate at the specified date and time. It provides expression functions to access solar and lunar information. (Note the Python library enhancements.)

Enhance this plugin with two Python libraries not provided by the QGIS distribution. Open up the OSGeo4W Shell and type "pip install timezonefinder skyfield" or whatever method you use to install Python libraries. You don't need to be a system administrator to do this. Without adding in these libraries, the only algorithms available are the "Day/Night terminator" and "Sun position directly overhead"

This plugin provides tools to calculate the positions of the sun, moon, and planets when viewed directly overhead for a particular date and time. It displays solar and lunar information for a coordinate at the specified date and time. It will produce the day/night terminator line, and twilight polygons.

The plugin provides expressions to obtains the current date and time, solar zenith, moon zenith, moon phase, and other solar and lunar information from the field calculaor.

Calvin Hamilton
timeexpressionconversionmoonmarsfield calculatorsunsetsunrisedatenauticalnoonweekdaysundawnduskmercuryuranusplutoearthjupitervenussaturnneptuneplanetplanetstwilightcivilastornomicalterminator line
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3.1.4 no 3.14.0 3.99.0 2334 hamiltoncj 2024-08-28T15:52:44.816968+00:00

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