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QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Version: [241] Crayfish 3.1.3

3.1.3 Bug Fixes
- Fix in SAGA processing alg for output file format (#389)
<p>3.1.2 Bug Fixes
- Workaround for MDAL #104 in SAGA processing alg
<p>3.1.1 New features:
- Processing: convert SAGA Flow Direction raster to GRIB
- Multiple datasets selection and timestep selection in rasterization processing
- Animation export progressbar
<p>3.1.0 New Features:
- Processing: export algs for conversion to raster and vector
- Processing: support for mesh calculator
- Integrated plots
- Several bug fixes for exporting meshes containing vectors
<p>3.0.0 New Features:
- Usage of QgsMeshLayer instead of Crayfish C++ library
- Usage of pyqtgraph 0.10.0
<p>2.7.3 New Features:
- Support for "V component of" and "U component of" for vectors in NetCDF files
<p>2.7.2 New Features:
- Support for polygon mask in the grid calculator
- Support for abs time in animation
- Several bug fixes related to time and animation
<p>changelog=2.7.1 bug fix release
- Redirect to https for downloading binaries
<p>changelog=2.7.0 Feature release
- Add mesh calculator (#87)
- Remove Illuvis (#300)
<p>2.6.2. Bug Fixes
- Fix for reading of TIF files not in YYYYMMDD_HHMM format (#299)
<p>2.6.1 New Features:
- Reading TIF directory (#246)
- Small GUI enhancements
<p>2.6.0 - New features and bug fixes:
- Time formatting enhancements (#289)
- Link to manual page (#116)
<p>2.5.1 - New Features:
- reading FLO-2D results in HDF5 format
- Vector streamlines/particle traces animation
- UGRID support (NetCDF)
- NetCDF4 support (Win32 and Linux)
- All NetCDF quantities loaded in one layer
- Settings for time display format
- Fix link to ffmpeg (windows)
<p>2.4.0 - New Features:
- Fix download of the binaries when behind proxy
- Add support for XMDF results from res_to_res TUFLOW utility
- Add support for XDMF result files (.xmd)
- Remove dependency on QtWebKit (required for latest Fedora and Debian
<p>2.3.2 - Bug fixes:
- Fix loading of the plugin when gdal 2.x library is not present in the QGIS
<p>2.3.1 - Bug fixes:
- Skip reading of optional FLO-2D files if not present
- Increased minimum QGIS supported version
<p>2.3 - New Features:
- Support for Flo-2d result files (BASE.OUT)
- Support for .grb2 GRIB result files
- Export to area/line contours
- Integration of Crayfish tools into the processing toolbox
- Various bug fixes
<p>2.2 - New Features:
- Support for GRIB result files (.grib, .bin, .grib1, .grib2, .grb)
- Support for HEC-RAS 2D result files (.hdf)
- Support for netCDF result files (.nc)
- Support for Serafin (TELEMAC 2D) result files (.slf)
- Plotting of time series and cross sections
- Element centered data in addition to node centered data
- New mesh rendering options
- New vector rendering options
- User defined labels in legend
<p>2.1.3 - Bug fixes:
- Export of animations fixes
- AnuGA file format support fixes
- ASCII DAT format support fixes
<p>2.1.2 - Bug fixes:
- Support for newer AnuGA result files
- Honour OTF reprojection setting in animation
<p>2.1.1 - Bug fixes:
- Fixes for installation problems
- Fixes for animation export with FFmpeg
<p>2.1 - New features:
- Export animations
- Support for AnuGA result files (SWW)
- Display vectors on grid
<p>2.0 - New features:
- Support for XMDF format
- Support for special time (e.g. maxima)
- Rendering of vectors over contours from different datasets
- Improved time control
- Better support for DAT result files
- Loading of .2dm files from browser
- Code refactoring, new Python API
<p>1.3 - New features:
- Export to raster grid
- Upload to illuvis
- New contour options: Fill above/below
- Improved load error handling
- Improved support for ASCII datasets
<p>1.2 - New features:
- Added various contouring options
- Support for QGIS legend (in QGIS >= 2.1)
- Support for BASEMENT output
- Save all layer settings to project file
- Anti-aliasing for vector results
- Change mesh color
- Give user a chance to locate mesh file for a result file
- Export raster grid (API only)
<p>1.1.1 - Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug where python exception would be generated when both contour and
vector display disabled.
- Updated identify() to mesh with changes made to the crayfish view library's
valueAtCoord function.
- Made calls to QString in identify() QGIS version agnostic.
- Added 'dummy' versions of rasterUnitsPerPixelX() and rasterUnitsPerPixelY() to
allow profiletool to function.
- Ensured layer properties window displays a sensible window title.
<p>1.1 - New features:
- Support for triangular elements
- Support for projection on-the-fly
- Rendering of the mesh as a wireframe
- Transparency for contours
- Remember dock position
- Show basic mesh metadata
- Better error reporting
- Support for 64-bit QGIS
Bug fixes:
- Paths written to project file are absolute
- Non-numeric Maximum and Minimum contour values
- Datasets can be loaded twice
- Crayfish layer makes QGIS Project file (qgs) unreadable
<p>1.0.3 - Bug fix for failure to render Quad4 elements in layers featuring
unsupported elements
<p>1.0.2 - Bug fix for AssertionError seen when updating plugin
<p>1.0.1 - Bug fixes for issues seen in 1.0:
- Resolves issue where TUFLOW tutorial model was not loaded due to unexpected
keywords in 2dm
- Reader now more robust in terms of reading unexpected items in .2dm file
<p>1.0 - Bug fixes for issues seen in 0.1:
- Support for downloading viewer library from behind proxy server
Fixes for annoying bugs:
- Error seen when unloading any non-crayfish layer.
- Layer not automatically redrawn when changing contour settings.
- Improved contour options behaviour.
- Made contours optional.
- Last rendered dataset now remembered (instead of always defaulting to bed
- Removed unnessisary warning messages.
- Fixed stacked widget in vector options (min/max line edits not displayed
- Updated styles in about page.
- Better handling of errors when loading layers.
- Fixed memory leaks.
- Fixed issue when datasets other than the first loaded do not behave as
- Ensured only a single vector options dialog can be opened.
- Added better support for handing allocation errors for huge layers.
<p>0.1 - Initial release
Minimum QGIS version
Maximum QGIS version
External dependencies (PIP install string)

Version management

Plugin details

Sustaining Members