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Compass Routes Plugin icon

Plugin ID: 2352
(2) votes 

This plugin creates vector layers that work with magnetic variation.

Commands in this plugin are available under Plugins > Compass Routes:
"Create Compass Route Layer": adds a new LineString layer with memory storage rendering as arrows that are automatically labeled with distance and magnetic bearing. The variation for each label is dynamically determined.
"Create Magnetic North Lines": processing script that adds a vector layer containing magnetic north lines within a given extent. Lines are spaced by a given distance, and are broken and re-spaced to preserve this distance within an error tolerance.
For full documentation please see the project homepage.

Joe Berkovitz
bearingmagneticdeclinationnorthcompassroutenavigationworld magnetic model
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Latest experimental version:
Plugin ID
Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
0.3.1 yes 3.16.0 3.99.0 1458 joeberkovitz 2021-04-21T19:15:07.709361+00:00
0.3 yes 3.16.0 3.99.0 201 joeberkovitz 2021-04-05T14:46:50.325689+00:00
0.2.1 yes 3.16.0 3.99.0 184 joeberkovitz 2021-03-12T02:17:41.194054+00:00
0.1 yes 3.2.0 3.99.0 372 joeberkovitz 2021-03-09T01:59:46.038064+00:00

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