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QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Version: [1364] UMEP 4.0.1

4.0.1 : SOLWEIG now saves necessary files for Spatial TC when ticking "Save
file(s) for TreePlanter".
4.0   : New plugins; URock and Spatial TC (Thermal Comfort). Many plugins moved
over to UMEP for Processing.
3.20.9: Fixed issue when installing supy
3.20.8: Response to #462
3.20.7: Response to #461
3.20.6: Minor bug fixing
3.20.5: Response to #452. Minor bug fix in TreeGenerator.
3.20.4: Response to #441 and #449. Minor bug fixes in SOLWEIG and SEBE
3.20.3: Minor changes in Tree Generator. Response to #443.
3.20.2: Response to #437. Minor bug fix in SOLWEIG.
3.20.1: Response to #424. Minor bug fix in SOLWEIG.
3.20  : SOLWEIG v2022a, updates in SVF calculator
3.19.4: Response to #400
3.19.3: Response to #375 and #376.
3.19.2: Adjustments of the UWG tools.
3.19.1: Removed import of geopandas which resulted in a plugin failure in QGIS
3.19  : New version for the QGIS plugin repository. Added UWG Analyser. UHI
plugins experimental.
3.18.4: Removed metadata.txt in subfolders so Install from zip is now possilbe
3.18.3: Minor updates and clean up.
3.18.2: Adding UWG Prepare and UWG Reclassifier for testing.
3.18.1: Adjustment to shadowcastingalgorithm to include vegetation pergolas.
Updates in SUEWSPrepare.
3.18  : LONG TERM RELEASE. Response to #310. Plugin now compatible with Python
3.17.3: Response to #271.
3.17.2: Response to #198.
3.17.1: Response to #256.
3.17  : LONG TERM RELEASE. SOLWEIG v2021a. Response to #244, #254. Minor bug
3.16.1: Fixed import issues with scipy.
3.16  : LONG TERM RELEASE. Added WallAreaIndex in Morphometric Calculator.
3.15.7: Response to issue #230 and added functionality to save data for the
3.15.6: Response to issues #218 and 228.
3.15.5: Response to issues #194, #199 and #202.
3.15.4: Fixed an issue in SUEWSSimple regarding population numbers.
3.15.3: Fixed a minor isse in the solweig model.
3.15.2: Fixed some Mac issues related to gdal. Fixed a minor isse in the solweig
3.15.1: Response to part 1 in issue #164.
3.15  : LONG TERM RELEASE. Response to issue #167, #168, #172, #173 and #174.
Removal of UMEP Downloader.
3.14.1: Fix plugin blocker for Mac. Response to issue #164.
3.14  : LONG TERM RELEASE. Updated with SUEWS v2020a. Response to issues #158,
#160 and #162.
3.13.1: Response to issues #107, #116, #121 and #156. SEBE (Visualisation) now
active again (experimental).
3.13  : LONG TERM RELEASE. Migration of repository to Github
3.12.3: Response to issue #155.
3.12.2: Response to issues #135. Experimental test for auto installation of
python libraries.
3.12.1: Response to issues #131, #133, #134. DownloadData (ERA5) and
ExtremeFinder updated.
3.12  : LONG TERM RELEASE. Response to issues #96, #125, #129 and #130.
Configuring for gdal3. New plugin DownloadData (ERA5) (Still experimental).
3.11.1: Response to issues #96, #125, #129 and #130. Configuring for gdal3. New
plugin DownloadData (ERA5).
3.11  : LONG TERM RELEASE. Updated with SUEWS v2019a. General bug fixing.
3.10.8: Response to issue #113.
3.10.7: Update to be able to visualse shadow animations in SOLWEIGAnalyser.
3.10.6: Response to issue #108.
3.10.5: Response to issue #103.
3.10.4: Response to issue #106.
3.10.3: Response to issue #105. Minor bugfixing.
3.10.2: Missed an python import.
3.10.1: Response to issue #93.
3.10  : LONG TERM RELEASE. GQf now operational. Response to issue #92.
3.9.2 : Bugfix in DSMGEnerator. Response to issue #85 and #91. New SVFCalculator
method. SOLWEIG v2019a. SUEWS v2018c.
3.9.1 : Bugfix in FootPrintModel plugin.
3.9   : Response to Issue #75 and #77.
3.8   : LQf now operational (beta). Bugfix in SuewsSimple and SuewsAnalyzer.
3.7.2 : Bug fix in LQF where UMEP didnt load due to spelling issue. General
clean up.
3.7.1 : General bug fixing after release of QGIS 3.4. Issue #71 resolved.
3.7   : General bug fixing. Issue #68 resolved. Benchmarking and ExtremeFinder
3.6   : Implemetations same as 1.5.3. New version of SOLWEIG (v2018a). General
bug fixing. Issue #65 and #55 resolved. WATCH and Spatial data Downloader
activated. New SVF plugin
3.5.2 : Early adopter release. Adding missing imports of QCoreApplication.
3.5.1 : Early adopter release. bugfix in SUEWSSimple. Changed to version number
1.5   : LONG TERM RELEASE. Early adopter release. Some parts of the plugin is
not yet operational.
1.4.2 : Response to issue #42 and #46. Initiation of migration to QGIS3.
1.4.1 : Bug fix in land cover fraction calculations.
1.4   : Response to issue #36 and bugfix in LQf.
1.3   : Response on issue #35 and #37. General bug fixing.
1.2   : LONG TERM RELEASE. Response on issue #26. Bugfix in SUEWS interfaces.
1.1.1 : Bug fix in SUEWSPrepare.
1.1   : LONG TERM RELEASE. Improvements in the Metdataprocessor.
1.0.1 : Bug fix in Metdataprocessor to cope with hourly data and DSMGenerator to
cope with non metric CRS.
1.0   : First release to the official QGIS Python Plugins Repository.
0.6.3 : Bug fix in DSMGenerator.
0.6.2 : Bug fix in SOLWEIG where vegetation shadows were malfunctioning.
0.6.1 : Bug fix in DSMGeneraton when building vector polygon is used.
0.6.0 : LONG TERM RELEASE. New plugin: DSMGenerator.
0.5.5 : Issue #21 resolved (Issue in SUEWSSimple using external meteorological
0.5.4 : Bug in SOLWEIG when generating TDSM fixed.
0.5.3 : Bug fixing in Wall Height and aspect. Update on ShadowGenerator. General
0.5.2 : Bug fixing in SUEWSSimple and Metdataprocessor. qgiscombomanager now
replaced with QGIS core functions.
0.5.1 : Bug fixing to footprint model and update of the shadow casting
0.5.0 : LONG TERM RELEASE. Includes SUEWS v2017b, Multiple updates and bug
0.4.2 : Issue #18 resolved. Work continued on replacing the qgiscombomanager
with QGIS core functions.
0.4.1 : Work started on replacing the qgiscombomanager with QGIS core
0.4.0 : LONG TERM RELEASE. Due to updates in QGIS, parts of UMEP failed.
Therefore, a new long term version released.
0.3.1 : Bug fix in the SEBE model when only global radiation is available in the
meteorological dataset.
0.3.0 : LONG TERM RELEASE. Plugin no longer marked as experimental.
0.2.17 : General bug fix.
0.2.16 : Improvement of SUEWSPrepare and SUEWSAnalyzer of cope with multiple
years. General bug fixing
0.2.15 : New plugin: Benhmarking system. Bug fixing in LQF, GQF and
0.2.14 : New plugin: LQf (LUCY). Updates on GQf
0.2.13 : Major updates to ExtremeFinder plugin.
0.2.12 : New plugins: Spatial data Downloader and LCZConverter.
0.2.11 : Major changes in SUEWS-related plugins.
0.2.10 : New pugin: SUEWSAnalyzer. Geneal bug fixing.
0.2.9 : Improvments in ImageMorphGrid, SOLWEIGAnalyzer and the SUEWS plugins.
0.2.8 : Bug fixes in SUEWSSimple and Metdataprocessor.
0.2.7 : Issue #12 fixed. Animation included in SOLWEIGAnalyzer.
0.2.6 : New plugin: SOLWEIGAnalyzer. Bug fix to cope with multiple days in
0.2.5 : Fixed a blocking bug where python dependencies stop the plugin to
0.2.4 : New pre-prcessing plugin, TreeGenerator. General bug fixes.
0.2.3 : Major updates of the FootPrintModel and the SOLWEIG model.
0.2.2 : RunControl.nml edited online with Bitbucket.
0.2.1 : SOLWEIG added. Minos bug fixes.
0.2.0 : LONG TERM RELEASE. Bug fixes. New Plugins: WATCHData and GreaterQF
0.1.5 : BETA. Inclusion of SUEWS v2016b. Bug fixes.
0.1.4 : LONG TERM RELEASE. Layouts added, many bug fixes, more documentation.
New plugin: SUEWSPrepare.
0.1.3 : Bug in SuewsSimple fixed.
0.1.2 : Bug in Image morphometric where building heights were underestimated is
now fixed.
0.1.1 : Bug fix issue #2 and #3. Data-folders are now created if missing.
0.1   : Official release, VERSION 0.1 BETA.
Minimum QGIS version
Maximum QGIS version
External dependencies (PIP install string)

Version management

Plugin details

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