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QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Version: [1364] UMEP 1.3

1.3   : Response on issue #35 and #37. General bug fixing.
1.2   : LONG TERM RELEASE. Response on issue #26. Bugfix in SUEWS interfaces.
1.1.1 : Bug fix in SUEWSPrepare.
1.1   : LONG TERM RELEASE. Improvements in the Metdataprocessor.
1.0.1 : Bug fix in Metdataprocessor to cope with hourly data and DSMGenerator to
cope with non metric CRS.
1.0   : First release to the official QGIS Python Plugins Repository.
0.6.3 : Bug fix in DSMGenerator.
0.6.2 : Bug fix in SOLWEIG where vegetation shadows were malfunctioning.
0.6.1 : Bug fix in DSMGeneraton when building vector polygon is used.
0.6.0 : LONG TERM RELEASE. New plugin: DSMGenerator.
0.5.5 : Issue #21 resolved (Issue in SUEWSSimple using external meteorological
0.5.4 : Bug in SOLWEIG when generating TDSM fixed.
0.5.3 : Bug fixing in Wall Height and aspect. Update on ShadowGenerator. General
0.5.2 : Bug fixing in SUEWSSimple and Metdataprocessor. qgiscombomanager now
replaced with QGIS core functions.
0.5.1 : Bug fixing to footprint model and update of the shadow casting
0.5.0 : LONG TERM RELEASE. Includes SUEWS v2017b, Multiple updates and bug
0.4.2 : Issue #18 resolved. Work continued on replacing the qgiscombomanager
with QGIS core functions.
0.4.1 : Work started on replacing the qgiscombomanager with QGIS core
0.4.0 : LONG TERM RELEASE. Due to updates in QGIS, parts of UMEP failed.
Therefore, a new long term version released.
0.3.1 : Bug fix in the SEBE model when only global radiation is available in the
meteorological dataset.
0.3.0 : LONG TERM RELEASE. Plugin no longer marked as experimental.
0.2.17 : General bug fix.
0.2.16 : Improvement of SUEWSPrepare and SUEWSAnalyzer of cope with multiple
years. General bug fixing
0.2.15 : New plugin: Benhmarking system. Bug fixing in LQF, GQF and
0.2.14 : New plugin: LQf (LUCY). Updates on GQf
0.2.13 : Major updates to ExtremeFinder plugin.
0.2.12 : New plugins: Spatial data Downloader and LCZConverter.
0.2.11 : Major changes in SUEWS-related plugins.
0.2.10 : New pugin: SUEWSAnalyzer. Geneal bug fixing.
0.2.9 : Improvments in ImageMorphGrid, SOLWEIGAnalyzer and the SUEWS plugins.
0.2.8 : Bug fixes in SUEWSSimple and Metdataprocessor.
0.2.7 : Issue #12 fixed. Animation included in SOLWEIGAnalyzer.
0.2.6 : New plugin: SOLWEIGAnalyzer. Bug fix to cope with multiple days in
0.2.5 : Fixed a blocking bug where python dependencies stop the plugin to
0.2.4 : New pre-prcessing plugin, TreeGenerator. General bug fixes.
0.2.3 : Major updates of the FootPrintModel and the SOLWEIG model.
0.2.2 : RunControl.nml edited online with Bitbucket.
0.2.1 : SOLWEIG added. Minos bug fixes.
0.2.0 : LONG TERM RELEASE. Bug fixes. New Plugins: WATCHData and GreaterQF
0.1.5 : BETA. Inclusion of SUEWS v2016b. Bug fixes.
0.1.4 : LONG TERM RELEASE. Layouts added, many bug fixes, more documentation.
New plugin: SUEWSPrepare.
0.1.3 : Bug in SuewsSimple fixed.
0.1.2 : Bug in Image morphometric where building heights were underestimated is
now fixed.
0.1.1 : Bug fix issue #2 and #3. Data-folders are now created if missing.
0.1   : Official release, VERSION 0.1 BETA.
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