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QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Version: [628] TomBio tools 2.0.5

- Bug fixes. Stopped crash on atlas map without taxa. Cope
with grid references with trailing spaces.
- Added ability to store environment options in a file that
is external to the plugin folder. The 'internal' environment
options folder gets deleted/replaced whenever the plugin is
updated, so this is to overcome that problem. Added support
for NBN username and password environment options. Fixed a
bug with generation of values for 'taxa' column of atlas
- Added facility for the Biological Records tool to generate
two extra attributes for atlas layers - 'richness' and 'taxa'.
Richness is a count of the number of taxa which contribute to
the records and 'taxa' is a string of all taxa names separated
by the hash symbol. The latter allows you to use QGIS categorical
styling to create coincidence maps for biological records.
- Accounted for a problem that caused new layers from biological
records tool to fail to load if a previous layer generated
by the tool is manually removed from the map. This can be
fixed clearing all layers using tool's button, so a new
error trap and associated message added to indicate this.
- Fixed bug which prevented NBN data download if a data
provider could not be located. Incorporated a warning to
user if style file applied by biological recording tool
when a point layer is generated.
- Added comprehensive NBN record download facilities which
include the ability to select records based on a taxon,
dataset, known site (e.g. LRC, VC or NNR boundary),
user-defined polygon or grid reference. Also includes a
convenience tool for generating a polygon
from a point and buffer (user specifies grid reference or
easting/northing plus a buffer radius) which can then
be used to select records for download.
- Added functionality to display NBN grid maps showing
species density distribution by dataset and designation.
Also modified various elements of the NBN tool interface
to accommodate these changes.
- Added filtering by dataset, date and presence/absence to
NBN mapping tool.
- Modified the environment options dialog so that users can
see example environment option values. The example option
values file is updated whenever new options are added to the
plugin. So now users can always easily check if new options
have been added whenever the tool is updated.
- Now able to provide access to NBN maps via the NBN WMS
as a logged in user so NBN-registered users with greater
than public access can see all the data they have access
to. Many thanks to Chris Johnson (CEH) and Matt Debont (NBN)
for their help in sorting this out.
- Enhancement to Map Mashup to allow image to be pasted from
a file instead of the clipboard. Also to allow the application
of a style file to the registered raster image.
- Bug-fix to improve processing for CSV files with many taxa.
- Updated the Biological Records tool with two main enhancements.
1. Allows maps to be generated from X & Y values stored in any
CRS. Specify grid sizes directly - must be specified in the map
units used by the output CRS.
2. Improved internal handling of Comma Separated Value records
files which means performance improvements and ability to handle
much larger files.
- Updated the OSGR tool so that it supports non-UK based coordinate
reference systems and allows generation of grids at user-specified sizes,
whatever coordinate reference system is used (including OSGB).
- Incorporated changes to make better use of the new multi-threaded
rendering (MTR) model. This should improve the performance of batch
atlas map layer and image generation in most circumstances.
- Made changes to speed up generation of layers and batch images when
large rasters or WMS are used for a backdrop.
- Updated tool info files and tool metadata.
- Fixed issue with backward compatibility with version 2.
- Incorporates major change to Biological Records tool to cope with the new
rendering mechanism (MTS) introduced with version 2.4 of QGIS. This
replaces the workarounds introduced in version 1.2.0. The information
file (invoked from the options tab) gives a bit of information on using
the new interface.
- Incorporates a few bug fixes, better information for problems and
- Workaround for issue with batch map image generation in Biological Records
- Workaround for issue with 'auto' layer in NBN tool in newer versions of QGIS.
- Addresses problems with initialising environment variables.
Minimum QGIS version
Maximum QGIS version
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