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Sentinel-5p data explorer

Plugin ID: 2788

Sentinel-5p data explorer manage NC files from satellite "Sentinel-5p".

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NC files are a widespread format, which is used on remote sensing for saving climate and geospatial data in multi-dimensions. "Sentinel-5P" is a satellite which performs atmospheric measurements and saves them on NC files. But NC files are difficult to use, because to working with NC files it is needed to apply programming languages. The aim of this plugin is to open NC files from satellite "Sentinel-5P", in an easy and fast manner, eliminating the need for programming knowledge. Easy to use, it shows the variables, for each NC file that you choose and gives you the option to either export it to a simple text file or to map it on QGIS as a delimited text layer. This way you can visualize the satellite’s data and make high quality maps with QGIS, faster than any programming solution. --WARNING-- Before the installation, make sure that the python library "netCDF4" is already installed in QGIS. To check it, open the "OSGeo4W Shell" and write the command: pip install netCDF4

Version QGIS >= QGIS <= Date
0.1 - 3.0.0 3.99.0 6067 anastasios 2022-09-27T12:17:43.605294+00:00

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