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SaTSviz_2 Plugin icon

Plugin ID: 805
(25) votes 

SaTSviz aims to provide QGIS an additional feature of analysis by utilising SaTScan. All input files needed for SaTScan are created by the plugin and the output files form it are read by the plugin and fed in to QGIS to visualise the analysis results. This plugin provides benefit to both the softwares.

SaTSviz aims to provide QGIS an additional feature of analysis by utilising SaTScan. All input files needed for SaTScan are created by the plugin and the output files form it are read by the plugin and fed in to QGIS to visualise the analysis results. This plugin provides benefit to both the softwares.

Vasuda Trehan under guidance of Shiva Reddy Kotti
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Latest experimental version:
Plugin ID
Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
2.0 yes 2.0.0 2.99.0 2135 vasudatrehan23 2015-07-24T17:51:37.705668+00:00

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