This tool can be used to get weather using Yahoo Weather API. Get information about city, country, region, wind direction, wind speed, humidity, pressure, visibility, sunrise, sunset, lon, lat, temperature in celsius or fahreneit, date, and icon.
Version | QGIS >= | QGIS <= | Date | |||
3.2.1 | - | 2.99.0 | 3.99.0 | 18615 | mariosmsk | May 18, 2020, 10:17 AM UTC |
3.2 | - | 2.99.0 | 3.99.0 | 166 | mariosmsk | May 16, 2020, 01:00 AM UTC |
3.1 | - | 2.99.0 | 3.99.0 | 5480 | mariosmsk | Apr 8, 2019, 03:13 PM UTC |
3.0.3 | - | 2.99.0 | 3.99.0 | 5176 | mariosmsk | Jul 6, 2018, 02:50 PM UTC |
2.0.1 | - | 2.0.0 | 2.99.0 | 2582 | mariosmsk | Jul 6, 2018, 02:05 PM UTC |
0.2 | - | 2.99.0 | 3.99.0 | 2242 | mariosmsk | Jun 24, 2018, 01:37 PM UTC |
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