Version: [1511] QWater 3.3.2

3.3.2 - Bug and Improvements
2024/08/08 - Bug fix #22: error when has a base map like "osm
standard" in qgis project and open the "settings" Dialog
2024/07/03 - Added option to ignore Existent Junctions in Export to
DXF tool
2024/07/10 - Added option to choose which features (pipes, junction,
labels) will be exported in DXF Export tool
2024/07/05 - Bug fix Diameter calculation iterative when user choose
only selected features
2024/07/05 - Added Tool for pipe data(Diameter, material, roughness)
2024/07/03 - Added option to ignore Existent fittings in Export to DXF
2024/06/28 - Added Save Edits Button to save all QWater layers at
2024/06/18 - Select the DEM on Raster sampling if already defined on
QWater settings
2024/06/18 - Load Static pressure Style after calculate Static
2024/06/17 - Fix some translates to portuguese
2024/06/17 - Static Pressure Style
3.3.1 - Bug
2024/06/12 - Retrocompatibility with python<3.10 (removed match
3.3.0 - Bug and Improvements
2024/05/22 - On flows calculation display warning when any Zone Demand
has no Junction
2024/05/21 - Static head calculation and automatic plot to profile
2024/05/20 - Started translation to Portuguese
2024/05/15 - Added DEM Parameter to QWater settings dialog and
automatic plot to profile view
2024/05/14 - Fix Bug in profile tool not showing X,Y value labels
2024/05/13 - Fix Bug with multipart elements in
getSecondVirtualLineJunction() function
2024/05/08 - Added DXF Export tool
2024/05/07 - Load Default Styles tool now adds multiple layer styles
2024/05/06 - Added Tool for automatic add Fittings on Junctions (New
Fields: 'FITTING', 'FITT_ROT')
2024/01/23 - Added option to paste Curve data from (Excel) clipboard
to Curves Editor Dialog
2024/01/22 - Fix import Pump Curves error
2023/10/06 - Added button to Pump Curves dialog for attach Curves to
2023/10/06 - Added Option to create/edit Pump Curves (used QEpanet
plugin embedded (
2023/10/02 - Improved profile view to show Pump Head (upstream and
downstream from pump)
2023/10/02 - Improved profile view to allow click on any Node type
2023/09/28 - Fix flow calculation error on some circunstances
2023/09/20 - Get elevation from raster (DEM from now) improvements:
can work with meshes too and apply for multiple layers at once
2023/09/25 - Fix "QgsVectorLayer.selectByRect(): argument 2 has
unexpected type 'bool'" (, line 135)
2018/07/12 - Fix "MultiLineStringZ geometry cannot be converted to a
polyline. Only single line or curve types are permitted."
(, line 200)
3.2.0 - 2021/09/16
- Adapted and embedded Profile Tool developed by Borys Jurgiel,
Patrice Verchere, Etienne Tourigny, Javier Becerra
- Updated to use Epanet 2.2 version on windows (Now it is possible to
choose Pressure Driven analysis-PDA instead of Demand Driven
- Change color of result dialog if there are warnings (light yellow)
or errors (light red)
- Reordered tool buttons
- Changed pipe style (added arrows)
- Removed field maximum speed (m/s) because it is obsolote. Maximum
Speed is calculated based on Pipes data (Headloss)
- Supplied a Hydraulic zone sample file and added to the sample
Darcy-Weisbach Qgis project
3.1.9 - 2021/02/04
- Bug fix: QgsVectorLayer.selectByRect(): argument 2 has unexpected
type 'bool'
3.1.8 - 2020/04/09
- Bug fix: Coordinate transform error with QgsPoint (changed to
3.1.7 - 2019/04/03
- Better multipart manager: checker and converter
- Better check duplicated pipe ID
- Changed flow calculation by Zones to use topology by attribute
instead of geometry to avoid accuracy snap issues
3.1.6 - 2019/01/29
- Minor code improvements
- Increase decimal places to 3 from field Calculated flow on the
Settings dialog
- Refresh labels after get elevation data from raster
- Make Settings dialog to Stay on top of others windows
3.1.5 - 2019/01/28 - Improvements
- New Option: Button to estimate Maximum pipe flow based on: Diameter,
Roughness and maximum headloss from pipes tables
- New tool: Get Elevation from Raster to Nodes
- New tool: Create/Update 'DN' (or NPS Nominal Pipe Size) field based
on Pipes Table from QWater settings. This routine is also automatic
called after Economic diameter tool run.
- Adjust Pipe Style (qml) to use 'DN' field created by the new tool
- QWater Tools was organized below submenu 'Tools'
- Created Button menu for QWater like: Get Elevation Tool and for
future planned tools
- Changed Write Epanet INP tool icon
- Changed Sizing icon color to QWater blue
3.1.4 - 2019/01/09 - Bug fix: Error creating missing junctions with
"Make Model" tool
3.1.3 - 2019/01/08 - Bug fix: Error on exporting by "Write Epanet INP
file" tool on some situations
3.1.2 - 2018/12/20 - Bug fix: Only start and end vertex were exported
by "Write Epanet INP file" tool. Now all polyline vertex are
3.1.1 - 2018/11/06 - Improvement
- Display of calculated maximum flow for Initial and Final population
with a button to copy value to clipboard
- English Quick User Guide/Tutorial (translated by Neil Falconer).
Accessible by link at <Plugin/QWater/About>
- Portuguese Quick User Guide/Tutorial update. Accessible by link at
- Added Donate button to metadata
3.1.0 - 2018/10/31 - Bugs fix
- Bug on Flow calculation by Hydraulic Zones
3.0.6 - 2018/10/09 - Improvements
- Better message when no need to use fill tool
- When use Calculate Economic Diameter, the Roughness field is now
updated too, with the defined values from pipes table of Settings
- Option to use Hydraulic Zones (Polygon layer) instead of unique
population and coefficients data for all model
3.0.5 - 2018/10/09 - Bugs
- Qgis LPS sample file update (old version was making a error on
QWater settings)
- Fill in tool now working
- Bug on running simulation with Pumps
3.0.4 - 2018/09/18 - Improvements
- Renumber Network Tool
- Option to Size pipe diameters only for selected features (features
must be selected before run routine)
- Bug fix on running simulation on Linux (thanks to Juan Ramseyer)
3.0.3 - 2018/09/18 - Bug
- Bug with 'DEMAND_PTO' field. The field was beeing written to Epanet
inp file causing an error on Running simulation when the field was not
3.0.2 - 2018/09/05 - Improvement and minor bugs
- Design/Sizing of Pipes now uses the data (Status On/Off, Diameter,
Headloss, Roughness) entered in the user table of the Settings Dialog
- Import and export Pipe data table (Hint: make a export to see the
text file format)
3.0.1 - 2018/07/21 - Bug fixs and improvements:
- Option to unset QWater layer from settings dialog
- New Project option bug
- Load Styles bug
- Minimum description and instruction web page created and accessible
from About menu
- Better LPS sample project (by Juan Ramseyer)
- Minor improvements
3.0.0 - 2018/04/09 - Update to Qgis 3.0
1.0.0 - 2016/07/19 - Initial Release







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