Version: [2010] QGeoloGIS 1.5.0

### Added

- Internationalization and french translation
- Units management
- Uncertainty visualisation
- Configuration of y axis ( logarithmic scale, min/max, displayed
unit, plot width) by double clicking on 
- Altimetric scale when a user mentions a ground altitude column in
the configuration
- Fixed scale, movable column (pan on headers)
- Panning on y axis plot (pan on columns)
- Timeseries and log tabs are dissociated now
- Open QGIS feature form by clicking on a displayed element in plot
- Configuration allows to stack several data in a single cell if data
share the same unit type.

### Modified

- Interval plot has been replaced by a interval data class that can be
used by PlotItem.
- Configuration dialog changed to rationalizes layer types
- Items has been added to the configuration dialog to configure new
features added in the current version.

### Fixed

- Categorical data has been fixed (broken in v1.4.0)
- Fix bisect troubles








Version management

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