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QGIS Python Plugins Repository

RubberSheetingEtc Plugin icon

Plugin ID: 3265
(2) votes 

Provides Rubber Sheeting and Two Point Transformations, storing to PostGIS, Oracle and MS SQL. The Rubber Sheeting algorithm uses supplied Shift Vectors and calculates the weighted average shift from the 10 nearest Shift Vectors. The Two Point Transformations handles themes with and without a CRS.

*** NOTE *** This plugin will crash on initial download as there are missing Python Connectors to the databases.
*** Download the Plugin - open the "RubberSheetingETC.html" in the plugin folder for User and Installation instructions. ***
*** Install Python Database Connectors: psycopg2, oracledb, pyodbc,{Devart ODBC Driver for Oracle},{Devart ODBC Driver for SQL Server} ***
*** On Ubuntu, run: pip3 install -U psycopg2 oracledb pyodbc ***

Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
1.0 no 3.28.0 3.99.0 128 spatialtapestry 2024-12-29T09:23:00.744221+00:00
0.4 no 3.28.0 3.99.0 641 spatialtapestry 2024-03-18T02:15:39.467640+00:00
0.3 no 3.28.0 3.99.0 359 spatialtapestry 2024-02-06T01:54:15.031966+00:00
0.2 no 3.28.0 3.99.0 295 spatialtapestry 2024-02-05T01:52:55.955717+00:00

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