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Projection Factors Plugin icon

Plugin ID: 990
(12) votes 

Visualise scales, distortions and meridian-parallel angle in map projections.

Main purpose of this plugin is to visualize distortions, scales or angles in the active area, i.e. over the area where data is present. This can help one to decide whether special consideration of distortions is necessary for calculations or analysis performed with GIS operations.
Factors are calculated as raster maps for project CRS which should not be geographic or geocentric.
Area for which factors are to be calculated and resulting raaster map are defined in geographic coordinates.
Some projections can't map whole spheroid. Start with smaller regions and expand as necessary.
Do not use to big raster if it is not necessary (it will take long to generate and resource problems may occur since standalone binary of PROJ4 is used). Size of between 200 and 1000 px should be enough for most purposes.

Drazen Tutic and Viktoria Duracic
distortionsangle distortionmap projectionslinear scale
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Plugin ID
Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
0.2 no 2.0.0 2.99.0 3828 dtutic 2018-02-16T08:53:15.589705+00:00
0.1 no 2.0.0 2.99.0 3889 dtutic 2016-05-05T22:55:15.213688+00:00

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