QGIS Python Plugins Repository
PostGIS Queries
Processing plugin-based provider that adds scripts to execute PostGIS queries using the built-in script "gdal:executesql". Provedor do Processing que inclui scripts para executar consultas do PostGIS usando o script "gdal:executesql".
The scripts are intended to solve common spatial problems, such as finding dangles and pseudonodes in a line layer. To execute the scripts, a layer with a connection to the PostGIS database must be passed, as well as the table name(s) that store the target layer(s). Depending on the script, other parameters may be required.
Os scripts adicionados procuram resolver problemas espaciais comuns, como achar dangles ou pseudonós em uma camada tipo linha. Para executar os scripts, uma camada com conexão ao PostGIS precisa ser passada, além do(s) nome(s) de tabela que armazenam a(s) camada(s) alvo. Dependendo do script, são requeridos ainda outros parâmetros.
- Author
- Marcel Rotunno (IBGE)
- Maintainer
- marcelrotunno
- Tags
- postgis , queries , processing , provider , ibge
- Plugin home page
- https://github.com/marcelgaucho/PostGISQueries
- Tracker
- Browse and report bugs
- Code repository
- https://github.com/marcelgaucho/PostGISQueries
- Latest experimental version:
- 0.2
- Plugin ID
Version | Experimental | Min QGIS version | Max QGIS version | Downloads | Uploaded by | Date |
0.2 | yes | 3.0.0 | 3.99.0 | 2562 | marcelrotunno | 2021-03-19T23:17:21.099218+00:00 |
0.1 | yes | 3.0.0 | 3.99.0 | 153 | marcelrotunno | 2021-03-04T21:42:25.150936+00:00 |