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Plugin ID: 634
(41) votes 

The flow maps created with this plugin show the movement of people or goods between places by drawing lines connecting those places.

The coordinates of origin and destination of the movements are extracted from a cartographic layer. If you use a memory output for your map, make sure to have installed the extension Memory Layer Saver first to be able to save your analysis in a file Qdatastream (example : QgisProjectName.mldata).

Lionel Cacheux
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Latest stable version
Plugin ID
Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
1.1.0 no 2.14.0 2.99.0 12720 lcacheux 2017-04-02T18:33:03.420378+00:00
1.0.4 no 2.0.0 2.99.0 1937 lcacheux 2017-02-19T09:46:41.804847+00:00
1.0.3 no 2.0.0 2.99.0 2202 lcacheux 2016-10-06T13:31:45.832276+00:00
1.0.2 no 2.0.0 2.99.0 1041 lcacheux 2016-08-15T15:43:25.105490+00:00
1.0.1 no 2.0.0 2.99.0 4289 lcacheux 2014-11-11T14:33:17.210348+00:00
1.0 no 2.0.0 2.99.0 598 lcacheux 2014-11-11T11:24:36.523144+00:00

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