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QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Version: [1524] MzS Tools 1.9.2

- Initial compatibility with future Standard MS version
- Unified level 2-3 layers "Zone stabili" and "Zone instabili", as described in
Standard MS
- Plugin layers are marked as required and/or read-only where applicable
- Simplified and streamlined new project creation tool
- Added a SM study metadata editor tool
- Automatic "don't overlap" and topological editing rules for groups of layers
such as "Zone stabili" and "Zone instabili"
- Added a plugin configuration tool with an option to deactivate the automatic
editing rules
- Removed editing tools from MzS Tools toolbar
- Removed feature copy tool from MzS Tools toolbar
- Fixed some issues with project import/export tools
- Fixed some minor issues
- Updated style expressions for MS level 2-3 layers
- Updated styles and print layouts
- Improved compatibility with MS standard v4.2
- Updated styles and expressions in QGIS project
- Updated and improved print layouts
- Added available regional CTR WMS services
- Fix potential problems in import process
- Experimental fixes for slow data import and export processes
- Updated styles and expressions in QGIS project
- Updated and improved print layouts
- Fix problem with version strings in project update
-  QGIS project template improvements
-  Update ISTAT administrative boundaries and codes to the latest 2022 version
-  Update styles for editing layers
-  Add QGIS action for punctual and linear surveys layers to directly search for
available survey documents in the project folder
-  Fix Python error in geotec editing
-  Update project template (snapping options, symbols)
-  Ported to QGIS 3
-  Updated to new MS 4.2 standards;
-  update project (fixed labels, update .py files, added new style);
-  updated italian manual.
-  updated layout "CDI - Carta delle Indagini" (added legend);
-  updated export shapefiles and "Export geodatabase to project folder" tool (to
meet the standards);
-  removed "Validate project" tool;
-  fixed bug in log files;
-  update project (fixed labels, update .py files);
-  updated italian manual.
-  updated layouts ("Carta di Microzonazione Sismica (FA 0.1-0.5 s)", "Carta di
Microzonazione Sismica (FA 0.4-0.8 s)", "Carta di Microzonazione Sismica (FA
0.7-1.1 s)");
-  added "pkey" field in "Indagini" and "Parametri" tables;
-  removed english manual.
-  modified the layout layer "CDI - Indagini puntuali";
-  modified the layout layer "MOPS - HVSR";
-  updated export database ("CdI_Tabelle.sqlite").
-  stable version;
-  added a new video-guide ("Indagine stazione singola (HVSR)");
-  update project (fixed labels and styles errors, update .py files);
-  updated italian manual.
-  update table "Indagine stazione singola (HVSR)", "freq.ui" mask and added a
new layout ("Carta delle frequenze naturali dei terreni fr");
-  update constraint "quota_slm_top_verify" and "quota_slm_bot_verify" in
"indagini_puntuali", "parametri_puntuali" and "parametri_lineari" tables;
-  moved export process to a separate thread;
-  export progress shown in qgis interface;
-  fixed bug in "";
-  update "New project" tool;
-  added a new table ("metadati");
-  update project (in particular .ui, .py files);
-  updated italian manual.
-  fixed bug in "";
-  update "siti_puntuali" and "siti_lineari" triggers;
-  added a new table ("Indagine stazione singola (HVSR)") and a new layout
("Carta delle frequenze naturali dei terreni");
-  update project (in particular .ui, .py files);
-  changed update project process and removed "Update project" tool;
-  updated italian manual.
-  moved import process to a separate thread;
-  import progress shown in qgis interface;
-  fixed bug with empty numeric values in csv files during import;
-  reimplemented import log file;
-  added "Update project" tool;
-  update project (in particular .ui, .py files);
-  updated italian manual.
-  video-guide additions;
-  update project (in particular .ui, .py files);
-  resolved bugs;
-  updated italian manual.
-  improved "Add feature or record" tool;
-  removed useless tool;
-  update project (in particular .ui, .py files);
-  resolved bugs;
-  updated italian manual.
-  initial relase.
Minimum QGIS version
Maximum QGIS version
External dependencies (PIP install string)

Version management

Plugin details

Sustaining Members