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QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Version: [1703] Mergin Maps 2020.6.1

- Fixed project upload when creating a project within an organisation (#187)
- Fixed quota check when uploading to an organisation (mergin-py-client#65)
- Updated Mergin client to 0.5.7 and geodiff 0.8.6
- More user friendly project status reports (#172)
- Projects can be created on behalf of an organisation (#169)
- Cloning of projects (#85)
- Validation of Mergin URL to avoid misconfiguration (#171)
- Updated Mergin client to 0.5.6 and geodiff 0.8.6
- Updated Mergin client to 0.5.5 and geodiff 0.8.6
- Fixed issue with transferred size and total size not matching (#142)
- Fixed issue with non-ascii characters (#137)
- Fixed issue with single quote in path (geodiff#74)
- Fixed issue with rebase with unrecognized triggers (geodiff#75)
- Updated Mergin client to 0.5.4 - fixing an issue with renamed files
- Added sending of diagnostic logs upon client's request
- Fixed compatibility issue with QGIS < 3.12 (#163)
- Upgraded Mergin client to 0.5.3 and geodiff to 0.8.5 (#160, #150)
- Added QGIS variables @mergin_url, @mergin_username, @mergin_project_name,
@mergin_project_owner, @mergin_project_full_name, @mergin_project_version
- Fixed crash on plugin load if user used auth manager with a master password
- Sync will not write any changes if the user has read-only permissions (#151)
- Added QGIS version and mergin-py-client version in the client logs and
user-agent info (#150)
- Upgraded Mergin client to 0.5.0 and geodiff to 0.8.4 - fixing various sync
- Fix Python error when reporting sync issue (#144)
- Fixed an error when closing QGIS (#126)
- Better handling of unexpected exceptions (#132)
- fixed plugin load issue (#133)
- async support
- resolve issue with the first push
- Second fix for the sync issue
- Resolve issue with sync in QGIS 3.10
- Improve download/upload
- Support for change of schema
- Better error reporting
- Bug fixes
- Better display of changelog
- Several bug fixes
- View log of changes to layer through Geodiff
- Geodiff integration
- Better UI/UX for authentication
- Bug fixes
- Multi-threaded download and upload
- Possibility to create empty project on the Mergin server from within the
- Possibility to download empty projects
- Better dialogue windows for configuration and project creation
- Added option to remove project from server
- Fixed create project function (valid QGIS project, appears as local)
- Added groups for Mergin projects (with filters)
- Changed auth using login endpoint or bearer token
- Fixed sync issues on Windows
- Initial release
Minimum QGIS version
Maximum QGIS version
External dependencies (PIP install string)

Version management

Plugin details

Sustaining Members