Related Plugins and Tags

QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Version: [1330] 1.0.0

- Add ability to download and use pre-compiled binaries (compiled with
Numba) to speed up some local calculations. Right now this only is available
for the SDG15.3.1 summary table calculation, but eventually this will be
expanded to other tools as well.
- Related to the above, there is now an "advanced" settings button in the
settings window, that will allow users to download pre-compiled binaries,
and to turn on or off detailed logging of messages while the tool is
running. These log messages can be useful when trying to trouble-shoot
problems if you encounter any.
- Improve checks for geometry validity for geometries in input files, and
give an error message rather than throwing an exception when there are
geometry errors.
- Fix processing using new MODIS data (assets were not properly updated in
the last release)
- Fix color-coding of land covers in land cover class aggregation window
- Add more detailed version information to about dialog.
- Add additional detail to data download tool.
- Add job ID to downloads window to facilitate bug reporting.
- Minor bug fixes (sorting of jobs and downloads tables).
0.98 (April 2, 2020)
- First QGIS3 release - many fixes to upgrade to Qt5 and QGIS3 API.
- Upgrade all dependencies of plugin to latest versions as of January 2020.
- Fix data download tool to have default 1styles for all available
- Begin moving to QgsProcessing and QgsTask frameworks - currently only the
carbon tool is migrated, but all tools will be migrated prior to version 1.0./
- Cleanup formatting of carbon tool output spreadsheet to make meaning of
each column clearer.
- Update all GEE scripts to use latest version of GEE API (0.1.213).
- Save more settings chosen in tool dialog boxes across QGIS sessions.
- Clean up buffering code, to use Lambert Equal Area projections centered
on polygon centroids for buffering.
- Move documentation into docs folder at root of repository.
- Add more details on how to documentation on how to contribute to
development of Trends.Earth,
- Clean up repository by removing compiled translations files, and adding
these file types to .gitignore.
- Change transifex project name to be "trendsearth".
- Various compatibility and minor bug fixes.
0.66 (July 20, 2019)
- Limit maximum area for tasks to 10,000,000 sq km, except for urban area
tasks, which is limited to 10,000 sq km.
- Add background section on SDG 11.3.1, and update SDG 11.3.1 tutorial.
- Update SDG 11.3.1 code to include 1998 in the series (internally during
calculation) in order to filter noise from the beginning of the urban series.
- Fix date restrictions in SDG 15.3.1 all-in-one tool to account for both
ESA and MODIS availability.
- Add section to readme on how to install Github releases.
- Update and review Spanish translations, update google translations for
other languages.
0.64 (July 9, 2019)
- Fix handling of nodata in total carbon tool.
- Add support for 2018 Hansen data in total carbon tool.
- Add support for global 30m biomass data from Wood's Hole in total carbon
- Set maximum final year for one step SDG 15.3.1 tool to be 2015 (matching
the ESA data).
- Make Trends.Earth productivity the default dataset in SDG one step tool
for 15.3.1.
0.62 (January 27, 2019)
- Add experimental tool for mapping potential carbon returns from
alternative restoration interventions.
- Add 2018 MODIS data.
- Miscellaneous fixes to window sizing for GUI windows.
- Upgrade to latest openpyxl - fixes loading of Trends.Earth logo in
summary tables.
- Add publication list to help docs.
0.60 (December 3, 2018)
- Add calculation of change in urban area and population growth
rate (SDG 11.3.1)
- Fix default button/entry field heights
Add city selection for AOI
- Add optional buffering of AOI
0.58 (August 11, 2018)
- Add a testing section to the calculations page
- Add testing version of total carbon (above and below-ground) and
emissions due to deforestation
- Minor bug fixes, including for invalid polygons in input AOIs
0.56.5 (May 21, 2018)
- Fix error with LPD import requesting a data year.
0.56.4 (May 21, 2018)
- Always resample imported data to the highest resolution.
- Fix custom SOC import climate zones to use an expanded climate zones
dataset to eliminate no data.
- Update MOD16A2 with latest data.
- Force entry of date on SOC and LC data import
- Add global Trends.Earth outputs to download tool.
- Fix handling of NULL values in legends.
0.56.3 (April 21, 2018)
- Fix calculation of summary tables for AOIs that are split across the
180th meridian (Fiji, Russia, etc.).
- Modify state calculation so areas with very small magnitude changes in
NDVI integral (< .01 NDVI units over full period) are considered stable.
0.56.2 (April 10, 2018)
- Minor unicode fixes.
0.56.1 (April 10, 2018)
- Fix marshhmallow error on plugin load
0.56 (April 9, 2018)
- Fix issue with rasterizing data (empty rasters on output)
- Force user to choose output resolution if rasterizing a vector
- Support calculation of SOC degradation from custom SOC and LC data
0.54 (April 8, 2018)
- Support loading of custom LPD, SOC, and LC data.
- Cleanup styles so they match
- Upgrade pyopenxl
- Add import/load icons to all layer selector boxes
0.52.1 (March 21, 2018)
- Minor bug fixes during Antalya workshop.
0.52.1 (March 21, 2018)
- Minor bug fixes during Antalya workshop.
0.52 (March 19, 2018)
- Clean AOI processing code.
0.50 (March 15, 2018)
- Pass exception if only related to Trends.Earth logo addition in Excel
- Various minor bug fixes.
0.48 (March 13, 2018)
- Fix table formatting
0.46 (March 13, 2018)
- Support reporting table calculation with multiple geometries (Fiji, Russia)
- Add LPD and LC tables to UNCCD worksheet tab
- Clean up the warning message in the LPD import tool
- Fix TE final combined productivity layer loading
- Fix download tasks (still no styles)
0.44 (March 12, 2018)
- Add tool for uploading custom land cover data
- Add tool for uploading custom productivity data
- Add note that custom SOC upload is coming soon
- Add tool to add basemaps using Natural Earth data
- Add all-in-one tool for calculating all three sub-indicators at once
- Rename "Bare lands" class to "Other lands" for consistency with UNCCD
- Update docs
- Upgrade to marshmallow 3.0.0b7
- Move GEE code into the main repository
- Improve handling of AOIs, particularly when shapefiles are used for input
- Handle multi-file outputs from GEE by tiling them in VRTs
- Support processing data for countries that cross the 180th meridian
- Improve formatting of summary table
- From now on, GEE script versions will be matched to the plugin version
0.42 (February 4, 2018)
- Fix crash on change of LC aggregation (due setEnabled on removed label)
0.40 (February 4, 2018)
- Remove use of mode for land cover indicator.
- Combine the summary table and SDG indicator map creation tools.
- Add stub for where JRC LPD product will be available.
- Save productivity sub-indicator as band 2 in SDG indicator file.
- Bump GEE script to v0.3.
- Fix error due to divide by zero on summary table generation when a class
has zero area.
- Default to MODIS for productivity calculations.
0.38 (January 16, 2018)
- Add annual soil organic carbon calculation
- Cleanup AOI processing code, allow multiple input polygons in shapefile
- Add shading to side of land cover aggregation table items
- Fix firstShow issue on aggregation table
- Revise summary table output to provide further information on each of the
three indicators
- Add supplemental datasets to performance, state, land cover and soil
organic carbon output.
- Update no data and masking values to consistently be -32768 (no data) and
-32767 (masked data)
- Allow naming of file downloads
- Add icon to toolbar menu, fix plugin name.
- Refactor layer styling code to pull band info from GEE output.
- Add a tool to load existing datasets into QGIS.
- Fix land cover date limits - don't allow invalid dates toi be selected
from CCI data.
0.36 (December 14, 2017)
- Fix issue with showEvent on create map reporting tool.
0.34 (December 14, 2017)
0.32 (December 14, 2017)
0.30 (December 12, 2017)
0.24 (December 6, 2017)
0.22 (December 4, 2017)
0.18 (December 2, 2017)
0.16 (November 6, 2017)
0.14 (October 25, 2017)
0.12 (October 6, 2017)
Minimum QGIS version
Maximum QGIS version
External dependencies (PIP install string)

Version management

Plugin details

Sustaining Members