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Plugin ID: 1430
(260) votes 

HCMGIS - Basemaps, Download OpenData, Batch Converter, VN-2000 Projections, and Field Calculation Utilities

- Basemaps: Add vector and raster basemaps from Google, Carto, ESRI, OSM Stamen, Vgrid, etc;

- Batch Converter: Batch convert CSV to Point Shapefiles and other GIS formats (including OSM pbf, GeoPackage) in a folder and its subfolders;

- Download OpenData: Download Open Data from OSM Geofabrik, GADM, Who's On First (WOF), Microsoft Building Footprints, HCMGIS OpenData, Standford University, etc;

- Vn-2000 Projections: Lookup EPSG Code for Vn-2000/ TM3 Projection for all Provinces in Vietnam;

- Spatial Processing: has been moved to BecaGIS Plugin;

- Attribute Calculation: merge/ split data fields, Vietnamese Font Converter: Unicode <-> TCVN3 <-> Vni-Windows, UPPER CASE, lower case.;

Thang Quach
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mergeopenstreetmapsplitOSMgoogle mapsEsribasemapvietnamvector tilevnHCMGISVietnamesefont converterVN2000vector tilesCartoBatch ConverterOSM DownloaderCSV to PointBuilding footprints
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Latest stable version
Plugin ID
Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
24.11.20 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 55170 thangqd 2024-11-18T03:13:08.717614+00:00
24.10.20 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 63124 thangqd 2024-10-18T05:01:43.727592+00:00
24.10.4 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 36364 thangqd 2024-10-04T04:30:44.604606+00:00
24.8.27 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 69636 thangqd 2024-08-27T09:42:31.035833+00:00
24.1.12 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 243462 thangqd 2024-01-12T03:57:09.887911+00:00
24.1.5 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 14160 thangqd 2024-01-05T07:56:42.384921+00:00
23.11.23 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 54105 thangqd 2023-11-23T04:35:41.444021+00:00
23.7.19 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 132973 thangqd 2023-07-19T13:26:35.187500+00:00
23.2.1 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 141259 thangqd 2023-01-31T09:28:09.793681+00:00
22.9.9 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 98753 thangqd 2022-09-08T08:36:43.290442+00:00
22.8.8 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 23850 thangqd 2022-08-05T09:43:37.303789+00:00
22.7.28 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 5699 thangqd 2022-07-28T07:07:50.706049+00:00
22.7.20 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 6016 thangqd 2022-07-20T05:08:26.934425+00:00
21.8.28 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 144197 thangqd 2021-08-28T05:33:34.850839+00:00
21.8.20 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 4283 thangqd 2021-08-20T06:40:19.309385+00:00
21.7.15 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 14273 thangqd 2021-07-15T04:31:59.008889+00:00
21.1.29 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 54958 thangqd 2021-01-29T03:02:18.171390+00:00
20.12.22 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 13443 thangqd 2020-12-22T11:05:33.046694+00:00
20.8.11 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 32791 thangqd 2020-08-11T05:13:34.101308+00:00
20.6.3 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 13434 thangqd 2020-06-03T01:50:30.533232+00:00
20.5.4 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 7098 thangqd 2020-05-04T08:01:02.654339+00:00
20.4.20 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 3352 thangqd 2020-04-21T19:18:07.182985+00:00
20.4.12 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 3072 thangqd 2020-04-12T00:52:40.340109+00:00
20.4.4 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 2077 thangqd 2020-04-04T15:15:53.862763+00:00
20.4.3 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 1030 thangqd 2020-04-01T15:28:57.359827+00:00
20.4.1 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 827 thangqd 2020-03-31T08:21:42.286604+00:00
20.3.30 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 599 thangqd 2020-03-30T11:10:54.672645+00:00
20.3.28 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 892 thangqd 2020-03-28T16:53:46.448298+00:00
20.3.27 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 699 thangqd 2020-03-27T08:16:42.135756+00:00
20.3.26 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 369 thangqd 2020-03-26T13:05:58.200120+00:00
20.3.3 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 8930 thangqd 2020-02-25T03:31:34.043702+00:00
20.2.20 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 4960 thangqd 2020-02-05T09:39:41.452386+00:00
20.1.20 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 4666 thangqd 2020-01-21T13:02:26.849367+00:00
19.11.22 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 9136 thangqd 2019-11-22T12:09:20.028245+00:00
19.11.5 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 4412 thangqd 2019-11-04T09:27:09.196627+00:00
19.10.29 no 3.0.0 3.99.0 1181 thangqd 2019-10-29T06:37:45.465056+00:00
19.9.18 no 3.0.0 3.9.0 7224 thangqd 2019-09-18T10:06:35.911460+00:00
19.8.12 no 3.0.0 3.9.0 4553 thangqd 2019-08-12T01:04:21.789270+00:00
19.7.9 no 3.0.0 3.9.0 5577 thangqd 2019-07-09T05:43:52.091723+00:00
19.6.28 no 3.0.0 3.9.0 1389 thangqd 2019-06-28T09:05:40.074818+00:00
18.11.2 no 3.0.0 3.9.0 20843 thangqd 2018-11-02T09:10:43.428877+00:00
18.10.26 no 3.0.0 3.9.0 1125 thangqd 2018-10-26T06:04:29.972835+00:00
18.9.24 no 3.0.0 3.9.0 3175 thangqd 2018-09-24T05:21:06.612304+00:00
18.7.10 no 3.0.0 3.9.0 7349 thangqd 2018-07-10T06:04:28.527152+00:00
18.4.28 no 3.0.0 3.9.0 4148 thangqd 2018-04-28T06:50:12.479672+00:00
18.4.13 no 3.0.0 3.9.0 1189 thangqd 2018-04-13T05:51:10.364535+00:00
18.4.2 no 3.0.0 3.9.0 759 thangqd 2018-04-03T10:18:38.677202+00:00

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