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GeoDyn Gemeente Plugin icon

Plugin ID: 1444
(5) votes 

Wastewater prognosis tool for municipal sewage systems
Geografisch Dynamisch afvalwater prognosetool voor gemeente

Tool for calculating wastewater prognosis based on
Municipal sewage systems (Kikker riodesk)
Residental data (BAG)
Housing development plans RIGO (
Household drinking water consumption
GeoDynWaterschap is develop by BKGIS, for the water Authority HHNK and designed by Mark Lamers.

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Latest experimental version:
Plugin ID
Version Experimental Min QGIS version Max QGIS version Downloads Uploaded by Date
3.0 yes 3.4.0 3.99.0 721 bart147 2019-11-11T09:06:02.121179+00:00
0.17 yes 2.8.0 2.99.0 485 bart147 2019-02-06T11:08:55.896273+00:00
0.16 yes 2.8.0 2.99.0 224 bart147 2019-01-31T14:10:57.097154+00:00
0.15 yes 2.8.0 2.99.0 224 bart147 2019-01-24T13:16:04.388992+00:00
0.14 yes 2.8.0 2.99.0 271 bart147 2019-01-14T15:17:15.039130+00:00
0.13 yes 2.8.0 2.99.0 233 bart147 2019-01-14T10:37:17.508745+00:00
0.12 yes 2.8.0 2.99.0 213 bart147 2019-01-03T11:03:39.578357+00:00
0.11 yes 2.8.0 2.99.0 742 bart147 2018-05-18T14:46:53.956255+00:00
0.10 yes 2.8.0 2.99.0 423 bart147 2018-05-15T13:54:18.371489+00:00
0.9 yes 2.8.0 2.99.0 337 bart147 2018-05-15T10:06:15.671316+00:00
0.8 yes 2.8.0 2.99.0 385 bart147 2018-05-15T09:10:05.647904+00:00
0.7 yes 2.8.0 2.99.0 381 bart147 2018-05-15T08:38:42.711280+00:00
0.6 yes 2.8.0 2.99.0 455 bart147 2018-05-08T09:52:12.414046+00:00
0.5 yes 2.8.0 2.99.0 346 bart147 2018-05-08T09:13:54.329332+00:00
0.4 yes 2.0.0 2.99.0 555 bart147 2018-04-17T07:08:03.873044+00:00
0.3 yes 2.0.0 2.99.0 409 bart147 2018-04-16T09:02:36.444419+00:00
0.2 yes 2.0.0 2.99.0 333 bart147 2018-04-16T08:45:16.133161+00:00
0.1 yes 2.0.0 2.99.0 473 bart147 2018-04-12T13:32:53.364481+00:00

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