Version: [2597] Cadastral Classifier 3.5

2022/1/28 - v1.0: First version
2022/2/17 - v1.1: Solved interface bugs: mixed uses frames and buttons
issues, list of categories of advanced classification and help panels.
Solved use_definer function error
2022/2/23 - v1.2: Fixed advanced help panel residential classes
description, added usefull external links
2022/3/12 - v1.3: Deleted max floor information due to the imprecision
of input data, solved classification module input data minor issue,
fixed critial error when classifying multipart geometries (different
parcels with same cadastral reference)
2023/4/13 - v2.0: Adapted to the new cadastral data file structure,
that allow to classify multiple municipalities. Added an option to
incoporate OSM data to classify green zones parcels. UI modified
accoirdingly, fixed some issues and improved performance. Added year
of oldest construction and a more precise floor value to each parcel
information. Added new tab with useful info and moved the external
links there
2023/4/22 - v2.1: Fixed an issue with single municipality
classification, an issue with green zone classification in
monicipalities whose CRS was different from 25830 and an issue when
generating the municipalities listing of a 1-9 coded province. Added
coloring method to ensure proper files are selected when selecting
input data and updated help panels
2024/3/04 - v3.0: Changed processes to work as QGIS task, adapted and
enhanced data incorporation to match new cadastral formats, added new
2025/3/20 - v3.5: Significantly improved efficiency of data
pre-processing module, fixed various variable definition bugs, fixed
UI minimum size, fixed Qgis task cancellation








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