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Attribute Searcher

Plugin ID: 3497

A minimalistic plugin to search for values in attributes quick and easy.

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This plugin searches for a value in an user-specified attribute through a menu which is docked in the layout window.
It was originally created for searching IDs of a Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen (BAG) dataset without needing another attribute table window. The attribute table felt a bit overwhelming, so I found reason to make a more minimalistic version for attribute searching.
The plugin works by selecting a attribute from the active layer from the built-in dropdown menu.
After that you can search for values that are in the specific attribute. If it finds a match, you'll get a message and the view pans over to the found object.
If there is no match, you'll get an error-message. This has only been tested in Windows 11 and QGIS version 3.34 LTR.

Version QGIS >= QGIS <= Date
1.0 - 3.34.0 3.99.0 1862 kokosnootje92 2024-09-23T15:26:46.521759+00:00

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