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QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Version: [1536] KML Tools 3.1.32

3.1.32 - Add license to output plugin
3.1.31 - Fix to let style ranges be turned on or off, effectively filtering the
3.1.30 - Add support for SimpleData extended data.
3.1.29 - Fix to allow qgis_process to function correctly.
3.1.28 - Fix extract gound overlays algorithm so it doesn't overwrite images
with same names.
3.1.27 - Add line breaks in KmlExport description.
3.1.26 - Fix KMZ export of special characters in name labels
3.1.25 - Add the ability to use an attribute as folders in the KML export.
3.1.24 - Use a custom toolbar and add raster icons to it
3.1.23 - Add an extend to ground flag
3.1.22 - Don't use a hidden style if the hidden point for polygon labels is not
3.1.21 - Make hidden point for polygon labels optional.
3.1.20 - Added layer transparency support
3.1.19 - Bug fixes in gradient and categorized styles
3.1.18 - Changed input to QgsProcessingParameterVectorLayer for better styling
3.1.17 - Check and skip features that have no geometry.
3.1.16 - Add support for curved polygons
3.1.15 - If a .txt file is selected check to see if it can be processed as kml.
3.1.14 - Add imformational message about possible ground overlays.
3.1.13 - Support kmz files that use a kml name other than doc.kml
3.1.12 - Bug fix #12
3.1.11 - Gracefully handle Null geometries
3.1.10 - Various bug fixes to opacity and line widths
3.1.9 - Export KMZ can now include a photo in the Google Earth placemark popup.
3.1.8 - Due to problems with older versions of QGIS the new minimum version is
3.1.7 - Added suport for exporting ground overlays to geotiffs.
3.1.6 - Included altitude addend
3.1.5 - Allow expressions to be used for gradient and categorized values
3.1.4 - Added graduated symbology support
3.1.3 - Added the ability to export a polygon layer and include labels
3.1.2 - Fix for QGIS categorized style KMZ exportation
3.1.1 - Fix for older QGIS versions
3.1.0 - Added KML export capability
Minimum QGIS version
Maximum QGIS version
External dependencies (PIP install string)

Version management

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