Related Plugins and Tags

QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Version: [970] TUFLOW 3.1.8

--- 3.1.8 ---
SWAN GIS Tools - Added tool as beta to plugin
TUFLOW Viewer - fixed bug that could occur when 'min_' was in the result type
name that caused results to not load properly - usually resulting from outputs
from res_to_res.exe
TUFLOW Viewer - fixed bug that would cause Python error when exporting or
copying plot data containing null x values and a datetime axis
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed bug that could cause 1D velocity TS to not plot if several
results with different number of output times were selected
TUFLOW Viewer - Added 'Redock TUFLOW Viewer' option under Settings menu in case
TUFLOW Viewer gets stuck as a floating window and unable to dock
TUFLOW Viewer - Export animation tool can once again automatically download
ffmpeg.exe for Windows
TUFLOW Viewer - Time slider will update properly when user switches between
results (previously required user to change time to get it to update)
TUFLOW Viewer - Updated the plot right-click context menu signal unloading to
try and stop errors occuring when upgrading the plugin
TUFLOW Viewer - Rename result functionality broke in QGIS 3.20 due to Python
version upgrade
ARR Tool - removed qt4agg backend dependency for plot generation - this could
produce a warning message after running the tool
TUFLOW Styling - Tweaked Flood Modeller result styling
TUFLOW Styling - Added styling for lfcsh_uvpt_check

--- 3.1.7 ---
Auto Label - Added auto label rules for the _messages GIS layer
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed a bug that could occur when exporting plot to csv
TUFLOW Viewer - Now catch issue when plot is empty when exporting or copying
data - also added more messaging
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed a bug that could occur if more than 6 results were loaded
at once that would cause TUFLOW Viewer to hang indefinitely
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed bug that would cause problems if mesh layer was renamed in
QGIS layer panel
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed bug with map output cross-section plotting that could
occur when output timesteps precision was finer than 1 second
TUFLOW Viewer - Changed behaviour of plot when using 'show current time' - the
vertical bar no longer affects plot extents and won't force plot to refresh
TUFLOW Viewer - Unchecking legend position will also turn plot legend off
ARR to TUFLOW - Updated routine that collects rainfall data from BOM
ARR to TUFLOW - Added all column headers to output bc_dbase.csv

--- 3.1.6 ---
ARR tool - Fix bug that would not calculate burst initial loss correctly with
user specified loss and probability neutral loss
ARR tool - Probability neutral losses and complete storm check boxes are now
mutually exclusive options in dialog
Load TUFLOW Layers from TCF - MIF layers will automatically open all geometry
types without user prompt
Load TUFLOW Layers from TCF - Raster layers will be automatically be given the
projection of first loaded vector layer if it doesn't have one
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed bug in 'Remove - Map Outputs' that would remove the layer
from QGIS but not from TUFLOW Viewer
TUFLOW Viewer - Load FM time series results will now create cross-sections based
on gxy file if not already georeferenced
TUFLOW Viewer - Load FM time series results corrected fixed field error in
reading dat file that would cause incorrect unit names
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed vertical profile plotting when adding to an animation
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed a few bugs in batch map export tool, mainly fixes for
latest QGIS API
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed dat file loading
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed TUFLOW FV xmdf loading
TUFLOW Viewer - Narrow view will now remember last docked location (if set as
default layout)
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed bug - first time results are loaded, the times are offset
by user's time zone
TUFLOW Viewer - Batch export plots will now remove any mesh results when
finished plotting from them that were loaded by the tool
TUFLOW Viewer - Plot right-click context menu will no longer appear if plot pan
or zoom tools are in use
TUFLOW Viewer - Re-organised 'Settings >> Options' dialog box in a new tab
TUFLOW Viewer - Added legend font size option, axis font size option, axis label
font size option
TUFLOW Viewer - Added option to set a default plot font size
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed a bug that would cause python error when user selected
'Show as dates' when 'show current time' was on and secondary axis was also in
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed bug that would cause python error if user 'cleared plot'
while in the middle of drawing a plot location
TUFLOW Viewer - Added user defined plot background colour (in settings >>
TUFLOW Viewer - Added more customisable legend options (position, orientation)
TUFLOW Viewer - Exporting drawn plot lines / points to shp is now exported to a
2d_po format
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed axis mis-naming when plotting flow regime (was incorrectly
using flow units)
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed bug when trying to plot with dates after toggling on/off
secondary axis
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed bug in User Plot Data Manager that would cause issues if
user changed dataset name
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed bug that would only display User Plot Data on time series
plot (regardless of selected 'plot type')
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed bug that would cause python error when trying to view user
plot data in manager if selection was on the 'plot type'
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed bug when loading from TLF that would prevent load if there
were periods in file name

--- ---
TUFLOW Viewer - Added plot value display when plot is clicked

--- ---
ARR tool - fixed ARF for catchments less than 10km2 that caused python error
(introduced in 3.1.5)

--- ---
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed bug that would cause python error when changing 'zero
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed bug that would cause python error if 1D 'losses' plot
option was selected with a 2D plot object selected
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed bug that would make mesh disappear when switching between
results if "show grid" was on
Import Empty Tool - Fixed bug that would cause error if overwriting existing
Import Empty Tool - Fixed typo in error message "No Empty File T specified"
should be "No Empty File specified"

--- 3.1.5 ---
SCS Curve number calculation and export to TUFLOW tool added (beta)
ReFH2 tool - ReFH2 engine 2.3 option added
ReFH2 tool - Added climate change options
ReFH2 tool - Added urban area input option
ReFH2 tool - Added version and BFIHOST19 input check
ReFH2 tool - Added engine version option
ARR tool - NSW datahub continuing loss multiplied by 0.4
ARR tool - let users set event independent continuing loss
ARR tool - now recognises NaN rainfall loss values from the datahub and sets
losses to zero
ARR tool - Fixed bug that miscalculated ARF for short durations for catchments
between 1 - 10km2
TUFLOW Viewer - Import FM timeseries results added
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed bug that would incorrectly flag layers as 1D cross section
and cause QGIS to hang
TUFLOW Viewer - Customising plot 'select axes' dialog has nicer labels 'primary
axis' and 'secondary axis'
TUFLOW Viewer - Minimums fixed for TUFLOW Classic results when importing XMDF
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed a bug in animation tool that would error when adding plots
if current time was already displayed in time series plot window
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed an issue with connection signals trying to persist after
tuflow viewer is completely closed
TUFLOW Viewer - Fixed vertical profile plotting - broke with new python version
TUFLOW Viewer - For QGIS 3.16+ TUFLOW viewer now adopts absolute time as default
(internal workings - no change for users)
TUFLOW Utilities tool - Fixed the downloader - exe location was not being
correctly input
TUFLOW Utilities tool - Made further improvements to error checking
Import check files tool - Fixed bug in import all check files from a folder
where it would duplicate layers
Reload layer tool -  no longer produces an error for non-vector layers - it
still only works for vector layers
Many small bug fixes

--- ---
Uninstalling plugin should now work unless the ReFH2 tool has been run

--- 3.1.4 ---
Prj string for shp files are retained with increment and import empty tools
Maximums in TUFLOWFV dat files now handled
Fixed bug that would cause python error when saving project after updating
colour ramp options for curtain plots
Utility download links updated to reflect new website
Fixed bug in ARR tool that would cause tool to crash when using probability
neutral losses

---  3.1.3 ---
Fixed 'Close TUFLOW Viewer completely
Fixed bug in curtain plots with quadtree results
Further plugin unloading improvements
Fixed a few bugs in batch export
Fixed bug where saving a project would stop user from being able to change zero
time (tuflow classic)

--- ---
Mulitple curtain plots (lines and result types) now supported - useful for

--- ---
Batch export plot now supports selecting results not yet loaded into QGIS

---  ---
Fixed bug when curtain plotting TUFLOW FV results
Fixed datetime bug in animation tool

---  3.1.2  ---
XS viewer will now load null or blank entries
Depth time series added
Added reset all plot colours to settings menu
Fixed issue with unloading plugin
Fixed qgs temporal controller interaction
Fixed errors when saving and loading project settings
Fixed bug when plotting flow from cell centred netcdf results
Fixed bug for QGIS 3.14+ when using small output intervals
Fixed a couple of errors with loading default styles
Fixed bug in animation tool when adding a plot with a secondary axis
Fixed issue when loading in time series results with '[' in run name
TUFLOW styling will check style folder first before applying any defaults

---  3.1.1  ---
Fixed backward compatibility

---  3.1.0  ---
Compatible with QGIS temporal controller
Added new plotting types for 3D datasets
Added Cross section viewing capabilities
Added ability to load 1D hydraulic check files
Added particle tracking loading / viewing
Added further error checking / messaging to 1D integrity tool
Fixed bug in ARR tool that would occur when adding additional temporal patterns
with large catchments that required Areal TP
Fixed minor bug with case sensitivity when loading results through TCF file
Removed message window "appended .shp to output" from increment tool
Minimum QGIS version
Maximum QGIS version
External dependencies (PIP install string)

Version management

Plugin details

Sustaining Members