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Version: [1866] SPARQLing Unicorn QGIS Plugin 0.16 Experimental

0.16: Improvements to HTML export: More formats, IIIF and OGC API Features
static APIs, rendering of images, 3D models, static SPARQL querying in JS,
Bugfix: Saving endpoints did not work correctly, Bugfixes to literal detection
when detecting new SPARQL endpoints, Bugfix for incorrectly loading certain RDF
files with RDFLib.<br>0.15: HTML documentation generation, BBOX Dialog and
Enrichment Dialog improved, usage of more QGIS UI elements, related concept
view, query layer data in bbox, improvements to triple store
detection<br>0.14.1: Improved Compatibility for SPARQL 1.0 Endpoints, Automated
Configuration Updates, Fixes for GeoShapes<br>0.14: New icon set, UI design
using layouts, improved item views, reworked triple store configuration, support
for wgs84:geometry, graph validation with pyshacl, convert layer to neogeo RDF,
began multilanguage literal support, mark linked geo concepts<br>0.13.1: fixed
icons and RDF export<br>0.13: Added classtree for navigation, support for SPARQL
endpoints with HTTP Auth, support for GeoSPARQL 1.1 FeatureCollections, Added
context menu for classtree, Added support for encoded geometries,
smaller bugfixes<br>0.12.2: Support for Wikidata Geoshapes, fallback for
non-standard conform literal definitions<br>0.12.1 Fix for lat/lon based triple
stores, polygon BBOX<br>0.12 Plugin is now based on QgisTasks, BBOX dialog
improved, quick add new triple stores, SPARQL interface improvements, improved
list view of geo-classes, ability to add converted RDF sets to triple
stores<br>0.11: Added interlinking and enrichment dialog (experimental), use
dataset columns as query vars, search for concepts to include in your SPARQL
query<br>0.10: Bundled dependent libraries, added new triple stores, added
support for non-geo queries<br>0.9: Add triplestore functionallity, add more
endpoints<br>0.8: Syntax Highlighting and query validation, support for bbox
queries, import and export of rdf files, Preloading of geoconcepts from triple
stores<br>0.7: add support for DBpedia and GeoNames<br>0.6: add support for<br>0.5: add support for<br>0.4: add support for<br>0.3: add support for more multiple vars and add Ordnance Survey
UK SPARQL endpoint<br>0.2: bugfixes and more user comfort<br>0.1: initial commit
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