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Version: [1811] radolan2map 1.3

1.3, 2020-05-21: "print layout version"
- print layout implemented
- catch global exception, show it to the user as a window
- catch exception at reading corrupted radolan bin file and show this in gui
- links to REGNIE download site included
- layer storage folder reorganized - root and data dir
- separate subdirectories for the different data types: 'regnie', 'radolan',
1.2, 2020-01-24: "REGNIE version"
- from now 'radolan2map' can load REGNIE raster files (daily, monthly, yearly)
but the support is rudimentary (data is displayed as point layer)
- new button which loads DWDs radar network from layer definition file (qlr)
1.1, 2019-12-10:
- current DWD radar network in template project included
- combo box for selection of destination projection
- settings are saved
- Checks: writable check of user defined storage folder and mask file
- data download link included, icons for links
1.0, 2019-11-17: "Tab-Version"
- with this extension it is time for a final version now
- tab: statistics about the processed product
- product history: stores history of selected products
0.7, 2019-10-30: "toolbar version"
- Toolbar icons
- switch to alternative Qt-dialog, because of non-working start directory
- test product on the first 2 characters to determine if it is a "X-product"
so it is independent from filename
0.6, 2019-10-09:
- Bugfix: select mask button
- 'data dir def file' is stored in QGIS profile folder now, so that it is not
lost by plugin update
0.5, 2019-10-07: layer storage version
- request to the user where the data directory should be set up
- cut GeoTIFF directly using shapefile
- GUI extension: conversion of RVP6 units -> mm / 5min
- Optimization of the GUI elements
0.4, 2019-09-27: RX version
- RX processing, also WX, EX
- hopefully improved floating QDockWidget
- template project with state capitals of Germany (as GeoPackage now)
- revised symbology QMLs
0.3, 2019-09-19: new function: 'exclude zeroes', fixed clipping problem
(Windows), using "DEU_adm0" as border dataset now
0.2, 2019-09-15: changed from QDialog to QDockWidget
0.1, 2019-09-02: first release, plugin uses QDialog, experimental state
Minimum QGIS version
Maximum QGIS version
External dependencies (PIP install string)

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