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QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Version: [294] qProf 0.5.1

0.5.1 : - fixed bug related to plot of lines projected onto section; improved
plotting of attitude data
0.5.0 : - added projection of 3D lines onto section; fixed bug related to
project changes with different CRSs
0.4.4 : - macOS-related fix for gdal imports
0.4.3 : - added choice of line field label for topographic output additional
0.4.2 : - fixed help visualization in Windows
0.4.1 : - implemented sorting of profiles in multiprofile case based on field
0.4.0 : - ported to QGIS 3
0.3.4 : - substitution of geosurf with gsf and other minor internal libraries;
implementation of multiple topographic profiles
0.3.3 : - removed minor bug related to profile line definition
- incorporated gpx read into main flux
- various secondary modifications
0.3.2 : - management of Matplotlib 1.5.0 API break
0.3.1 : - added profile statistics computations
- removed two bugs related to GPX file plot
- removed bug related to multiple-intersecting polygons
- minor GUI changes
0.3.0 : - fixed bug related to saved figure resolution (dpi value)
- added save and load of graphic parameters configuration file
0.2.9 : - added horizontal profile and p_x axis swap;
- added absolute slope plot
- added figure saving with plot parameters
0.2.8 : - added intersection between line or polygon layer and profile; fixed
minor bugs; minor change to interface
0.2.7 : - fixed minor bug related to not yet defined DEMs &/or profile
0.2.6 : - added profile creation from digitized line
0.2.5 : - bugfixing (disconnecting signals at module closing)
0.2.4 : - bug fixing (Issue # 1 in qProf Bitbucket repository)
- added geological attitude projection by common and individual fold axes
- added geological traces projection by fold axis
0.2.3 : - GUI changes; experimental
0.2.2 : - added compatibility with on-the-fly projection
- merging of multiple lines
- management of bug related to unicode in Linux - ogr
0.2.1 : - changes for QGis 2.0 compatibility
0.2.0 : - added cross-section creation tool
- minor GUI changes
- some code refactoring
0.1.4 : - reshaped the GUI
- added GPX and 3D-line processing
- fixed bug in profile plot.
0.1.3 : - fixed bug related to non-ascii names in input files.
Minimum QGIS version
Maximum QGIS version
External dependencies (PIP install string)

Version management

Plugin details

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