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Guided Offline Editing

Plugin ID: 1880

Extend the built-in Offline Editing plugin providing automated processes

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This plugin has an experimental version available!

This plugin provides some simple automations to ease projects sharing across an organization. At the moment, it relies heavily on PostgreSQL and on QGIS features introduced in versions 3.6 and 3.8. How it works ? A "power user" (a GIS admin, a DBA, or the like) prepares beforehand one or more projects for working with PostgreSQL/Postgis layers. That is: she loads PostgreSQL layers in QGIS and prepares everything to work with these layers: symbology, relations, forms. She does so with as much details as possible (form widgets, field validation, field help, relationships, and so on). She also indicates which layers must be downloaded for offline edition (a variable to set in layer properties). Then these projects are saved in PostgreSQL (this is a feature introduced in QGIS 3.6). Now, on the "normal user" side, the plugin shows the list of available projects that have been prepared in this manner. The user selects one project and just clicks `Go!`. That's it! The project is loaded like it was prepared. The user can also choose to download the project for offline edition. The project is then saved into one GeoPackage file (QGIS 3.8). Later, when back online, the user just clicks `Upload` and the layers are synchronised into PostgreSQL.

Version QGIS >= QGIS <= Date
0.9.0 3.10.0 3.99.0 1429 ygversil 2020-03-31T14:13:57.783038+00:00
0.8.2 3.10.0 3.99.0 222 ygversil 2020-02-29T15:47:49.770796+00:00
0.8.1 3.10.0 3.99.0 182 ygversil 2020-01-23T17:02:38.042908+00:00
0.8.0 3.10.0 3.99.0 182 ygversil 2020-01-21T10:48:33.119629+00:00
0.7.1 3.10.0 3.99.0 168 ygversil 2020-01-06T09:05:57.852187+00:00
0.7.0 3.10.0 3.99.0 165 ygversil 2020-01-03T12:14:34.046987+00:00
0.6.0 3.10.0 3.99.0 155 ygversil 2020-01-02T14:47:35.794877+00:00
0.5.1 3.10.0 3.99.0 189 ygversil 2019-12-18T15:28:10.546889+00:00
0.4.1 3.8.0 3.99.0 220 ygversil 2019-12-01T11:27:08.218890+00:00
0.3.3 3.8.0 3.99.0 205 ygversil 2019-11-15T10:53:05.609627+00:00

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