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Forest Road Designer

Plugin ID: 1414

This plugin serves as support of foresters in the design of forest roads

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This plugin serves as support of foresters in the design of forest roads. Taking as input a digital terrain model (raster dtm) and a starting polyline or Point layer (whose nodes/points indicates the starting point, end point and the waypoints of the road to be designed), another polyline is produced that meets a series of design requirements established by the user (longitudinal slope among others). This plugin allows user to generate a longitudinal terrain profile of the road designed. The funcionality of the plugin is inspired in the ESRI Arcview Extension PEGGER ( This plugin has been funded by the Dirección General de Medio Natural del Gobierno de La Rioja and developed by PANOimagen S.L.

Version QGIS >= QGIS <= Date
3.0.91 - 3.12.0 3.99.0 3735 gobiernolarioja 2023-08-23T07:27:27.231662+00:00
1.1.18 - 2.14.0 2.99.0 4754 gobiernolarioja 2018-02-19T11:29:44.589966+00:00

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