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Vertige horizontal

Plugin ID: 686

This plugin automatically detects horizontal and vertical lines using linestring vector layer as inputs.

Different thresholds can be set :
50% (0.5) is the default value for vertical and horizontal detections.
It means that to be detected as vertical a line has to be half wide than high.
Remainder is detected as diagonal (with a large threshold : 90% as default value).

This plugin is a very basic spatial analysis of networks.
As result, a new field hori_verti is created and reflects the detection : v for vertical, h for horizontal, d as diagonal, u as undefined.

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This plugin has an experimental version available!

Version QGIS >= QGIS <= Date
0.1 2.0.0 2.99.0 1885 7380 2015-02-17T12:53:45.479521+00:00

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