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TomTom POI Reader Plugin icon

Plugin ID: 1008

This plugin has no public version yet.

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This plugin reads and display TOMTOM POIs into canvas

***Currently deprecated for lack of interest by the developer.***

This plugin can read TOMTOM POIs information based on your requirements: 1. object (POI) names (restaruant, hospital, bar, ...); 2. Search Radius in unit meter; 3. Lat and Lon of your anchor/reference point (you can also click on Map Canvas to get your coordinates automatically). 4. Number of POIs to be showed. Please know that this Plugin is for own use purpose/evaluation but not for commercial. If you need it for commercial purpose please contact [email protected], and I will refer you to our marketing team to buy the commercial tomtom key. At the same time, the non-commercial also has limitation on number of calls and points.

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